Everything you need to know about applying to serve Me...
You only get once chance to make a first impression...
So, you’re ready to take the next step towards serving Me. Read the instructions below and complete a contact form to apply.
I strongly suggest you take your time with this - lazy or poorly written applications will be ignored every time..
How to book with Me...
Read My website carefully before filling out the contact form below. Be sure to answer all questions fully - the more you share, the better I can understand your desires.
I will review your application and reply to you, if I deem you worthy. Where needed, we can discuss further details and I can answer any questions you have.
If you do not hear back from Me within 72 hours, your application has not been successful.
We agree on a date/time and you pay your deposit.
Nothing is booked until the full deposit is received. (See the ASK ME page for more info on deposits)
I will send you the full address of my Studio. You will arrive on time - if you’re early, you will be sent away, if you’re late, the time will be taken out of your session.
You will pay the remaining balance on arrival, and then simply enjoy your time with Me.